Sunday, September 29, 2013

My Homes.

Prompt 5: Your Childhood Home

Your Childhood Home
When did you leave home?
Where was it?
Where did you move to?
Was it rented or owned? – with parents/Grandparents
Was it inherited
What was it like – describe it – each room.
Were there a favourite room?
Is there anything you particularly remember from the house?
The road & area

My dad was in the military, the Air Force to be exact, so we moved around.
We lived in Altus, Oklahoma when I was born in a trailer house. When dad was transferred to Canada, we returned with our trailer house which we parked on my Grandma and Grandpa Grashoff's farm. Later we move to Dover, Delaware and still lived in a trailer house.
After Dad got out of the Air Force, we lived in rural Washta, near where my Dad was born and raised.
This is a current picture of the home, so it didn't look exactly like this, but still the same house. We moved around frequently and my brothers dubbed this "the dirty house", as they decided when a house got dirty we moved.

After this home, we moved to a rental home in rural Aurelia, I don't think that I have any pictures of this house. Then, we BOUGHT a home in Aurelia. My grandpa had actually built the home for my mom's brother. So It did mean something that way too. So, I have discovered, I really don't have pictures of the Aurelia house. This is a photo of my kids and nephews at Halloween in front of the fireplace my mom built, yes my mom built. We lived in this house when I graduated. This house had hardwood floors. We had bedrooms upstairs and down. It was a small home for six people. but we made it work. This home was in town about a block away from the school. It is a very small rural Iowa community.

After graduation, I moved to Spencer, Iowa, and lived in a dorm. Following graduation from business school, I lived in Spencer in an apartment for a while, but that didn't work out very well and I moved back home. I lived there until I got married. Since then we have lived in a farm house by Milford that belonged to my in-laws that we remodeled. Then we built a home in rural Cherokee County, Iowa. By built, I mean with our own little hands!

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